How to Catch Every Galarian Legendary in Crown Tundra [Pokemon Sword and Shield]
I know people were struggling a bit so here is a quick snap guide
You can also watch the Stream Time stamps to help with location identification and seeing my struggle
Galarian Zapdos — Go to East Lake Axewell and chase after him
Galarian Moltres — Go to Fields of Honor [Train Station] and meet him right side of dojo (Don’t bother going into the water he just flies there, and you can fly back to train station to reset)
Galarian Articuno — is a butt. Start at Freezington and head to Giant’s Bed [Across Cemetery and then head south down the hill and around there G. Articuno should float around. I recommend saving before you guess which one it is but the one who opens its wings first is the real one] This one is hard… cause it migrates around the whole northern tundra
SURPISE: Dyna Tee Hill. Shake and see a surprise that almost killed my whole regi team
Registeel — Giants Bed West site of island, easiest one to see. Whistle and it opens
Regice — Go North west of Snowslide Slope and youll find it a bit hidden. Bring a Cryogonal
Regirock — North of Lakeside Cave is the temple. First pokemon hold a everstone
Regieleki/ Regidraco — South of Frigid sea is Three-Point Pass, copy the dots outside the temple. X = Electric, Arrow Down = Dragon. You can only have one so choose wisely. I wish I picked the dragon
Swords of Justice
Footprints are basically Diglets 100
- Snowy areas west and east — Cobalion
- Middle Grass area — Virizion
- Southern Cave and Grass area is — Terrakion
- If you got all 3 you can get Keldeo
- The missing statue is in Peony’ home…
- Just follow his stupid story
- You need to do Dynamax Adventure complete to have enough for Carrots to buy
- You can make the horse ice or dead (ghost)
You cant catch it til the very end of the journey
Master ball just to say FU
Secret Mission:
- Its Necrozma… but you need to catch it in the Dynamax Adventure… which unlocks after X amount of runs
- ALSO YOU CANNOT CATCH LEGENDARIES TWICE. If someone is doing Suicuine and you have Suicune already, you dont get Suicune. WHICH IS BULL SH*T
Galarian All Star w/e… If your lvl 100. your just breeze through, no level lock