How to Become a Masters Ranked Player in Pokemon Unite (The Dirty Guide)

Sam Chen
6 min readNov 6, 2021


Getting into Masters in Pokemon Unite is hard. You got teammates who give up too easily… teammates who don’t know how to play effectively… and then teammates who AFK… also there’s you. Are you the problem? Well maybe… but this guide will show you how to get into Masters with a bunch of loopholes built within the game’s mechanic.

The Video above is the Complete Guide, but if you’re like my dad and you need to read first then comprehend, this is for you:

Now there are 3 sections for this article:

i) Why You’re Losing
ii) The Basics
iii) The Dirty Guide to getting into Masters

i) Why You’re Losing

  1. Your teammates are Master Rank who have nothing to lose
  2. Your teammates don’t help (or understand objectives like Drednaw, Rotom, Zapdos or even Bees)
  3. You are not scoring (Every score counts so put on that score shield)
  4. You are playing in Teams of 5 (You are facing harder opponents vs. 2-man, 3-man, or solo q teams)
  5. You Die Less, You Win More. (Less you die, the less your opponents can capitalize, so run away and jungle instead of defending a tower if you are at a disadvantage)

ii) The Basics

Why talk about the basics? Because if you know the basics, then you aren’t the problem. We talked about how your teammates maybe the problem, but let’s make sure you aren’t

  1. Held Items

2. Pokemon Selection
Two Top, OneMiddle, Two Bottom is the standard strategy, so select pokemon based on the recommendations below. You should not have 2 defends in 1 lane, but having 2 attackers is an option, but having a defender/supporter in the lane allows you to have both offensive and defensive presence. Junglers stay in the jungle, if someone picked Middle, don’t pick one of those in another lane.

There is a new strategy, One Top, One Middle, Three Bottom.
This way Tank gets maximized EXP, and Bottom has an advantage early game. But this only works if you are coordinated with your teammates.

3. Strategy

  • Level Up Fast
  • Attack Pokemon in the Middle/ Opponent side so they can’t level up
  • Score if you can, if not defend and jungle
  • If you can’t defend, run away and jungle. Scoring early game doesn’t change too much, but dying early gives your opponent a major advantage
  • Bees, go after Bees when they are out. They’re good EXP.
  • 4 People should go after Drednaw. 1 Person should stay on top and jungle/ get Rotom. If you lose Drednaw, you have Rotom as an option, and if no ones on top, that’s a good opening to level up. \
  • Repeat into Zapdos

4. Zapdos

  • Don’t use your Unite before the 3 minute mark (Save for Zapdos)
  • Don’t die before the 2:15 minute mark (Or you can’t fight Zapdos)
  • Stay together as a team to use Buddy Barrier.
  • If you lose Zapdos, just counter score, if your winning, you should have a good chance to hold the lead if you counter score.

5. Take a Break
Losing sucks, but if you feel depressed, take a break and try again tomorrow. It’s just a game. Maybe it’s your fault, maybe it’s your teammates, or maybe its because the game should never end on Zapdos. That’s all luck at the end so I do believe it’s not you, you just didn’t get the right coin toss. (Or stupid Master teammates are trolling)

iii) The Dirty Guide to Getting into Masters

Alright, we’re at the guide now, these are unethical ways to get into masters, but if you just want to be a master, this is how you do it.

  1. Teams of 3.

Teams of 5 = Harder teams to face. Teams of 3 will face Teams of 3s, Teams of 2s, and SoloQs. Occasionally Teams of 5s, but you can capitalize on miscommunications by playing in teams of 3s

2. If you lose 3 times, you will get a CPU (Bot) game.

Bot games are easier to win (but you need to be able to jungle to score more because your CPU teammates will not score well)

How to identify a BOT game

That is why a lot of people forfeit games to get a Bot game faster, but also force insurance. In the example below, a player with zero diamonds would rather lose their next game to lose -100 performance points, than to win, and lose and have 400 performance points which would have zero insurance if they lose 2/5 of their next games.

This is how players stay in their class and why their forfeit games, to keep their insurance

3. Play at 12 am EST to 4 am EST

Europe and Asia timezones should be at work. North America should be sleeping. Perfect time to be the best player and capitalize on weaker players. I’ve gotten 5–7 win streaks because of this method. And with teams, you will dominate more because more likely you will only match up with SoloQ

4. Smurf Accounts

Experts CANNOT matchup with Masters
Experts CAN matchup with Ultras
Veterans CAN matchup with Masters

You can either:
A) Find a skilled Expert friend
B) Create a Smurf Account at Expert level with level 20–30 items ready to help your ultra account. (This is how I helped my friend get into masters by playing a smurf account)

This will allow you to avoid teaming up with Master players who don’t give a damn and avoid Master opponents. Instead, you will get players in Vet+Ultra who give a damn and want to try to win.

Finally #5. Don’t do this one

5. Buy your account off eBay

Why… why would people do this. I wouldn’t, but if you do, why….


And that’s the guide. If you would like to see this in more details just check out the video below.


At the end of the day… doesn’t matter if you win or lose… A Master doesn’t mean you’re a good player. Judging by all these loopholes you are avoiding the best, to call yourself the best… that’s… not how it should work.

A Veteran, an Ultra, and even an Expert can be a good player. Just luck wasn’t on their site and that’s ok. Master is just a title, even an Expert can beat a Master if they know the basics.

Just enjoy the game. The only time you are a bad player, is if you lose to a person who uses potions. That… that one hurts when I lose to one lol.



Sam Chen
Sam Chen

Written by Sam Chen


Product Marketer, StoryTeller, and Gamer YT: Web:

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