How to become a GOAT Designer in Happy Home Paradise DLC (Animal Crossing New Horizons)
If you want to become a G.O.A.T. Designer in Happy Home Paradise you gotta know the Ranking System.
You can watch the video above to learn more about how the game works, what happens when you sell a home to EVERY SINGLE VILLAGER IN THE GAME. And a MAJOR BUG that can prevent you from becoming GOAT Designer. Aka Greatest of All Time Designer… not like you didn’t know that already, I’m just doing this for the SEO.
If you do not have time for this video, well this is a quick guide for you
Calculator: This link below is the Happy Home Paradise Calculator
Ok so… what does the calculator have to do with anything?
There is a max threshold of tasks you can do and the maximum points you can earn.
- +1 Point for every 5 Days you visit Happy Home Paradise Resort
- +5 to +10 Points for acertain threshold per home built (Just go for the max 400)
- +2 Points for every 5 Roommates you pair up
- +30 Points for all lands
- + 5 Points for using a Partition Wall ONCE
- +35 Points for Unlocking every Facility
- +1 for every 3 Villagers you spend 20 minutes building their home on (This is not worth it if you’re speedrunning)
However, it is impossible to hit 200 Points as there is less than 500 Villagers total including Amiibos (As of Jan 2022)
Now the most important benchmarks are:
- Super Start Designer (84 Points)
- Legendary Designer (119 Points)
- G.O.A.T. Designer (146 Points)
Once you clear 146 you’re a Goat!
But there is a BIG BIG BUG which the video below will explain what can prevent you from becoming a G.O.A.T. Designer.
Now how do you get to 146 Points?
Below is my recommendation if you have access to 20+ Amiibos… But after making this video I realized most people would not.
For Non-Amiibo Users, I recommend this method.
If you keep track of your points, you should become a GOAT Designer in no time… and then people must acknowledge you as an artist… like my abomination below!